Home Plants Carabine tea has powerful benefits!

Carabine tea has powerful benefits!

by Dianna Leon

Despite not being the first option in the recommendations of doctors, natural medicine is extremely rich, full of varieties of benefits , different plants and… curious names. Also known as caroba-do-mato, marupá, faux simaruba, caraúca, carabussú, caruba, curoba, marupauba and parapará, Carobinha is an exclusively national tree, up to 15 meters tall, with thin and gray bark and which is found in the region that covers Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul. Its stem, after the extracted wood, is used mainly in civil construction, for carpentry, ceilings, etc.

As an important tree with medicinal power, it is unfortunate that it is about to become extinct, as it has been widely exploited for its use in various segments. One of them is your tea.


Properties of Carobinha tea

  • Astringent.
  • Experienced.
  • Healing
  • Depurative.
  • Diuretic
  • Emetic.
  • Laxative.
  • Sweet.
  • Tonic

health benefits

  • Combat: carobinha tea combats syphilis, rheumatism, arthrosis, skin disorders, dysentery and prostatitis.
  • Blood clearance: with components present in the plant’s leaves.
  • The carobinha bark: has anti-rheumatic properties, helps in the treatment of skin diseases and throat problems.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels: carob tea can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol present in the blood.
  • Wounds and Gargling: Also used to wash wounds and gargle to treat the throat.
  • Ulcer: carobinha is indicated for the treatment of certain cases of ulcer, but always consulting a doctor beforehand and if he consents, with his follow-up.

How to do it

The carobinha tea is made from the leaves and / or bark . To do this, it is only necessary to use two tablespoons of carobinha, or 10g of leaves, to a liter of boiling water. Leave to infuse and then sweeten to taste.

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