Home Slimming Hibiscus tea – Benefits and properties

Hibiscus tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Hibiscus tea is known by many people as a solution, indicated even by nutritionists, nutritionists and endocrinologists, for weight loss. With a rosy color and a well-differentiated flavor, the tea is made with the Hibiscus plant, which is also known as Chinese rose, mimo-de-venus, flower-de-grease, student’s grease and gullet. -Lion.

Tea is prepared with the plant’s flowers, and other parts are used to prepare jams and sauces, for example. Scientific name Hibiscus rosa-sinensis , the plant can be found in many natural food stores and has many other benefits.

Hibiscus and slimming

The tea has a diuretic action, which helps to eliminate fluid retention and, in addition, it is also effective in combating the accumulation of fat, especially the most difficult to eliminate, which are concentrated in the belly and hips. This is due to the fact that tea acts to reduce adipogenesis – a process in which pre-adipocyte cells convert into mature adipocytes, causing fat to accumulate in the body.

Other benefits and properties

Hibiscus tea, in addition to helping with weight loss, has properties: anti-hypertensive, being effective in controlling blood pressure; gastroprotective; vasodilators; diuretics; anti-inflammatory; laxative; analgesic; expectorant; digestive; soothing and anti-dandruff.

The plant also helps fight heart disease, increases levels of good cholesterol, lowers levels of bad cholesterol, and also lowers triglycerides. Tea is rich in protein, carbohydrates, fiber, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin C, vitamin B1 and B2, vitamin A, folic acid and calcium.

Due to these components, it is also effective in maintaining the health of the skin, bones and hair (including hair loss), in addition to helping oxygen and glucose metabolism. The tea also acts as an antioxidant, helping to combat premature skin aging and the formation of cancer cells. It also helps the brain to keep its functions in harmony, among many others.

How to prepare tea?

Prepared with the cup of dried flower bud, hibiscus tea can be brewed with 200 ml of water and between 4 and 6 ranges – approximately one teaspoon – of dried hibiscus flowers. In a container, put the water and boil. Add the hibiscus, turn off the heat and cover, leaving it to steep in a simmer for about 10 minutes. Then strain and consume warm, cold or even cold.

Contraindications and precautions

Hibiscus tea, despite having many benefits, should not be consumed in excess, since, due to its diuretic action, it can end up eliminating essential nutrients for health. Consumption is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, as tea can pose risks in the structuring of the baby’s genes. It is also contraindicated for patients with low blood pressure, as it acts to reduce blood pressure, it can cause dizziness, weakness and drowsiness.

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