Home Beauty Jaborandi tea against hair loss

Jaborandi tea against hair loss

by Dianna Leon

Whether due to hormonal diseases or excessive chemical and strong processes in the threads, many people in general – including many women – suffer from excessive hair loss. In some cases, even with the consumption of multivitamins, hair hydration and various treatments, the drop remains constant and frightening. However, the grandmothers already said that jaborandi tea works miracles for health, including the hair.

about jaborandi

With the scientific name of Pilocarpus jaborandi , the jaborandi is a plant originally from the Amazon. Since its appearance, the Indians have already explored its medicinal properties: they used it as an antidote to various poisons, in addition to treating mouth ulcers with jaborandi. Many years have passed, and with so much buzz around the plant and what it can really do, several studies were carried out on jaborandi, which is now used as tea, in addition to complementing skin and hair care products.


The main medicinal properties contained in jaborandi are:

  • For hair, the plant is anti-hair loss;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anti-rheumatic.
  • Diaphoretic;
  • Cardiac depressant;
  • Hair strand growth stimulant;
  • Emollient;
  • Expectorant;
  • Febrifuge;
  • Hypoglycemic;
  • Laxative.

How does it work on hair?

The jaborandi plant is highly rich in a substance called pilocarpine, which is responsible for stimulating hair growth and preventing hair loss. Many use it directly on the hair, but the treatment with its tea is also efficient in providing the same effects and acting on the scalp.

However, before starting treatment, remember to consult a dermatologist. Perhaps the problem with your wires is precisely in some attitude of yours, such as excessive heat from dryers and flat irons, sleeping with wet wires or trapping you in these conditions, among others. Regardless of the case, jaborandi will be useful to strengthen, stimulate and repair your hair, always with proper medical care.


The consumption of the jaborandi plant is contraindicated for pregnant women, lactating women and individuals with cardiac alterations. If you have any doubts or feel unsure about use, seek medical advice.

How to prepare?

In pharmacies or health food stores, you will find bags containing dried crushed leaves of the plant available, ready for the preparation of your tea. Just bring to the fire 3 tablespoons containing the leaves, for each liter of water. Simmer for 10 minutes, then turn off the heat and smother the container. When the temperature is warm, strain and drink the tea, 2-3 times a day.

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