Jambolão, also known as jamelão, guape, widow’s earring, black olive and other names, is a very popular fruit in Brazil. The tree, originally from South Asia and Australian regions, belongs to the same family as pitanga and guava. Scientific name Syzygium Cumini Lamarck , the plant can reach 10 meters in height at its maturity and produces fruits with a shape similar to that of olives. These turn purple when they are ripe, ready to be consumed.
Benefits and properties of jambolão
Jambolão has astringent, antioxidant, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antiallergic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and glucose-controlling properties in blood and urine. This food can therefore be used by diabetics to control sugar and, furthermore, to kill leukemic cells. The constant consumption of jambolão can also help to avoid vascular problems, chronic diseases, formation of cancerous tumors and premature aging of the body’s cells. In addition, jambolão tea can be used to treat constipation, nervous disorders, gas, pancreas and stomach problems, among other benefits.
How to consume?
The fruit must be consumed fresh to be able to enjoy all its properties. However, tea made from the seeds also carries all these benefits.
In addition, the product can already be found as sweets, wines, jellies and pies, but you must be very careful, as all these prepared foods remove the properties of the fruit and still have many sugars.
How to prepare tea?
Jambolão tea has become very common for treating problems mentioned in the topic of benefits and properties of jambolão, as well as helping to treat diarrhea.
To prepare, you should use the ratio of two teaspoons of seeds to each mug of water. In a container, place the seeds, mash well and set aside. In another container, put the water and bring to a boil until it comes to a boil. Pour the water over the seeds and then cover, allowing the mixture to rest for a period of approximately ten minutes and then consume without sweetening. The recommended dose is three cups a day.
Contraindications and side effects
The consumption of tea should not be done without medical advice. When used at the doses indicated by a professional, there are no contraindications. No side effects were found in the consulted materials.
ATTENTION: The tea should always be made in the measures indicated, as it is strong and can cause intoxication if it is not made with medical advice and in the right measures.