The natural process of transforming organic matter into compost is called composting. This process is carried out by the microorganisms present in the organic matter itself, as long as there are favorable conditions of aeration, humidity and temperature. Compost is used as a natural fertilizer by plants and can be made organically at home. Another alternative is the compost tea that we will teach you how to make next.

compost tea

Compost tea is a nutrient compound that will help tone the soil and improve plant nutrition. Compared to compost tea, compost tea is more complete and more effective for plant treatment. To make tea, we will use the method indicated in the book Composting, by Tim Marshall.

First, make or buy compost. Add it to a bucket or barrel, filling halfway. Top up the rest of the bucket or keg with water and soak for 8 hours – if you are shaking regularly – or 24 hours – if you shake it a few times.

Once the tea has been made, place the contents in a burlap bag and suspend it over a barrel of water. On the first day, shake this bag three times, on the other days shake it once. After a week, the compost tea will be ready to use.

How to use?

To make use of this tea, decant in a watering can or spray bottle. Note that the color is light amber yellow, and if not, dilute it with distilled water. Water or spray the liquid throughout the garden, taking care not to use it on very hot or very cold days. Give preference to using the tea only during the growing period of the plants.

Stay tuned!

  • Never drink, breathe or use the compost tea in any other way than indicated. Although not toxic, it is not suitable for contact with humans, but directed to plants.
  • Wear gloves to handle the liquid and apply it to plants.
  • If you have breathing problems, avoid inhaling the compost tea.
  • To make tea, do not use chlorinated water. Prefer distilled water or water from a clean source.
  • Do not store tea in a sealed container, as if it is fermented it may explode the package.