Plants certainly play a very important role in our lives, as we get incredible medicinal properties from them. But did you know that plants can also enjoy tea? All kidding aside, the tea we are going to teach today is not for people, but for plants.Humus tea, or earthworm tea as it is popularly called, will make your plants fertilized without increasing the volume of the soil. You’ll water your plants with the nutrients they need to grow bigger and better.

How to prepare humus tea?


Water (with one night’s rest or in the rain
2 tablespoons of corn syrup or sulfur-free molasses
2 cups of well-composted earthworm humus, preferably sieved

Preparation mode:

Fill a bucket with water, leaving it standing for a while so the chlorine can evaporate. To make this process more agile, place a bubbler in the water. After that, dissolve the corn syrup in half a cup of water and add to the bucket’s contents, which will serve as a food for the micro-organisms.

Then, take the humus and put it in a fine mesh cloth, a pair of pantyhose, for example, and tie a knot in the loose end. Place in the bucket so that it is suspended, just like the tea bag is in a cup. If using a watering can, you can mix the humus directly into the bucket. Both ways will bring good results, so do as you see fit.

If you have an aquarium pump, or diffuser stone, put it in the bucket to keep the water aerated. Leave it like this for 24 hours, and if you don’t have the bubbler, stir occasionally. Without the bubbler, some people recommend that the period of occasionally stirring the mixture is every three days.

Use the mixture on plants only after 48 hours of completion. You can refrigerate it for up to three days, but use it right away. If the tea has a bad smell, it means that the liquid is of poor quality.

Heads up

Humus tea may attract cats, but the liquid is completely toxic and poisonous to the animal, so keep the container covered at all times. This preparation is not made for animal or human consumption, so only give it to plants.