Learn how to prepare cajazeira tea and learn about its medicinal properties. Find out what the benefits are and find out how to take advantage of each one.
Scientific name spondias mombin , the plant belongs to the anacardiaceae family , and has a fragrant bark and a yellow-orange fruit with resinous and acidic pulp, edible and very fragrant. The leaves are commonly attacked by one of the well-known silkworms.
The plant is widely cultivated in Brazil, mainly in Bahia. It is a supplier of easy-to-work wood for joinery, carpentry, marquetry and for the manufacture of fences and canoes. Its bark is commonly used for making images, cigarette holders, chapel ornaments and images. There are beliefs that the smoke that the plant’s seeds give off when burned heals wounds or ulcers.
how to consume
The fruit can be consumed fresh or in the form of jams, jellies, sweets, juices, ice cream, wine, in addition to tea made with the leaves.
Benefits and properties
The fruit has a febrifuge action, in addition to being used to treat urethritis and cystitis. The leaf can be used to prepare teas for internal or external use, being effective in the treatment of bilious fevers, constipation, stomach pains, postpartum complications, laryngeal diseases, eye diseases and diarrhea. It also treats conjunctivitis, dysentery, erysipelas, hemorrhoids, bruises, urine retention, spasmodic vomiting, among others.
It is rich in vitamins A and C, in addition to calcium, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iron, and other substances. It has anti-inflammatory, anti-hemorrhoid, antiblenorrhagic, antidiarrheal, antileukoreic, antimicrobial, antiviral, diuretic, stomachic, febrifuge and cardiac tonic properties.
how to use
To prepare the tea, you will need:
– 1 cup of leaf tea
– 1 glass of water
In a container, place the leaves and water and bring to the fire. When the mixture starts to come to boil, time it for five minutes. After that, turn off the heat and smother the mixture, leaving it to rest for approximately ten minutes or until it becomes warm. Strain and consume.
The peels should be used in decoction for bruises, diarrhea, dysentery and hemorrhoids; Decoctioned seeds are effective in treating urinary retention; Decoction flowers, on the other hand, help in the treatment of eye and laryngeal diseases;
Fruits in the form of juice or in natura combat difficult digestion, vomiting and colic, in addition to helping to combat heart hypertrophy and ulcers. It also stimulates the functioning of the kidneys and treats fever.