With a fixed origin in Asia and Europe, the ajuga plant, widely used to replace grass in bedding, also has its health benefits. Its active principles are based on anthocyanins, saponins, organic salts and tannins, used to fight some diseases.

about the plant

Ajuga belongs to the Lamiaceae family. Depending on the place where it is found, it can be identified by other names, such as ajugaiba, búgula, medium comfrey, sao leo herb, sao lourenço herb, iron herb, jujube, ox tongue.

One of its greatest features is the purple flowers, which grow in a spiral around an ear. Among them, small leaves of the same color can also be identified. But, they are not always that shade. In late summer, for example, the leaves change color, turning dark green with flecks of violet.

medicinal properties

Due to the richness of its properties, the plant can be used entirely in the form of teas and compresses. It has astringent, anti-hemorroidal, anti-inflammatory, carminative, healing, colagoga, diuretic, stomach, febrifuge, hemostatic, laxative, sedative and tonic action.

Therefore, it can be used to treat diseases such as: tonsillitis, inflamed joints, intestinal constipation, biliary disorders, blood circulation disorders, effects of excessive alcoholic beverages. Added to all this, it also treats wounds, fistulas, gangrene, hemorrhoids and ulcers.

How to use

The simple way to use the juga is through the preparation of tea. However, this is not the only way it can be used. To treat wounds by disinfecting and treating them. As for the root, it is used with more attention due to its astringent properties.

juju tea

To prepare the juga tea you will need 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of the crushed plant. Bring the water to a boil. When it reaches the boiling point, add the crushed plant. Let it boil for five minutes, turn off the heat and let it settle for 10 minutes. Then, just strain and take.

Heads up

Because the plant has narcotic properties, its use should be indicated by a doctor. If overused, it can trigger some unexpected reactions in the body.