Meet the loquat, a plant with delicious fruits and which gives rise to a tea full of health benefits.
The fruit appears on trees until late winter in Japan, and is harvested in June. The harvest time varies, however, according to the regions where it is grown. The fruits generally ripen before harvesting and have a very smooth texture. Its seeds are not edible and should be discarded as they may contain toxic cyanogenic glycosides.
Fruit is low in calories and rich in insoluble dietary fiber. It acts as a laxative when consumed in large amounts, in addition to reducing blood cholesterol levels and being an excellent source of vitamin A. This vitamin helps to maintain the integrity of mucous membranes and skin, while also helping, according to studies, to protect against cancers of the lung and oral cavity.
Rich in potassium, the fruit also has some B-complex vitamins and contains vitamin C. It is a source of iron, copper, calcium, manganese, among other essential minerals for the human body. What many people don’t know, however, is that the leaves also have medicinal properties, especially when used to make tea.
The leaves are rich in triterpenes, elements that help increase the body’s insulin production, and are therefore excellent for fighting diabetes. It has detoxifying properties, helping to clean the liver and remove toxins from the body. Fights skin problems, reducing inflammation and also acting on prevention. It acts as an antioxidant, neutralizing harmful toxins and fighting free radicals in the body. The extract from the leaves improves the immune system, fighting various diseases and increasing life prospects.
The consumption of tea can also help prevent the loss of bone density, especially among women in menopause, in addition to fighting cancer and treating kidney stones.
How to prepare tea?
To prepare the tea, you will need:
– 3 fresh leaves
– 1 liter of water
In a container, put the water and leaves and bring to a boil. When it starts to boil, turn off and cover, letting it rest until it becomes warm. After that, remove the leaves and consume two cups a day. If you buy dried leaves from health food stores, follow the instructions given on the location or package label.