Home Plants Guinea tea – Benefits and properties

Guinea tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Since human beings began to write their history on Earth, plants are part of their lives being used for decorative, aromatic and even medicinal purposes. The ancients avoided many diseases – or treated them quickly – because they were aware of the beneficial effect that many plants could bring to the body, where each one was known to combat certain diseases. It is essential to know that certain plants can alleviate symptoms of any disease you are suffering, without harming you.

One of these plants is Guinea, also known as true tipi, tipi, tame Senhor and eva de pipi. Its scientific name is Petiveia alliacea and as an adult it is capable of measuring up to one meter in height. Its leaves are smooth and uncut, the flowers are greenish and small, in the shape of an ear. With a strong and unmistakable aroma, the guinea plant was used at the time of slavery in religious rituals and smoking.


The benefits of the guinea plant

The medicinal properties of the guinea plant are: anti-inflammatory, blood purifying, analgesic and diuretic. It is indicated for pain in general, especially pain in the eyes, head, throat and tooth. It can also be used as an aid in the treatment of rheumatism and poor memory. People who regularly suffer from cystitis, urinary infections, migraines and muscle pain will greatly benefit from the consumption of guinea tea.

How to prepare guinea tea?

Found in pharmacies and health food stores, guinea will come crushed in a jar, ready to be prepared. Just put a kettle with a liter of water on the fire and add two guinea tea leaves to it. Simmer for a few minutes and then turn off. Strain and consume at a pleasant temperature twice a day.


Guinea is a toxic plant that should not be eaten regularly for more than two weeks. Among its possible side effects are changes in the nervous system, insomnia, apathy and hallucinations. Due to its abortive properties, the consumption of the plant is contraindicated for pregnant women.

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