Originally from Europe, Asia, North Africa and the Canary Islands, ivy is a plant that belongs to the Haraliaceae family. The species became well known for the natural properties it can offer to humans, especially in combating some specific aesthetic problems, such as cellulite.Ivy is identified as a climbing shrub with roots that extends through the ground supporting trees and walls. The leaves are alternate and leathery. It produces fruits that are eaten by birds but are toxic to humans.

natural properties

With regard to use by natural medicine, dried leaves are the basis for treatments. However, the most recommended is that the doctor be consulted. Well, only he has the property to prescribe the use of the herb in the treatment of diseases that it helps to fight.

Furthermore, the plant can have a series of active principles that help in the process of curing various diseases. Among the main properties, analgesic, antispasmodic, calming, healing, stimulating, moisturizing, lipolytic and vasodilating are highlighted.

As for the evils that ivy fights, they are: laryngitis, arterial hypertension, neuralgia, gout, scrofulosis, wounds, rheumatism, neuritis, wounds, ulcers, calluses, hydrocephalus and convulsions of brain origin. Added to all this, the plant also fights cellulite.


Pay attention to using this plant to combat health problems. It is not suitable for young children, nor for pregnant or nursing women. Hyperthyroidism sufferers should also be careful with the plant.

Among the side effects that may appear with the use of the plant, highlighting diarrhea and vomiting, hemolysis, gastric irritation, excitement and fever. Prolonged external use can lead to dermatitis. For all these issues the use should be prescribed by the doctor.

ivy tea

When the use is authorized by the doctor for treatment, the most common way is through tea. To prepare it, you will need 25 ml of filtered water and a handful of dried ivy leaves, about 20 g.

The first step is to bring the water to a boil. As soon as it reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat and add the herb. Let it rest for about 10 minutes, with the container covered. After this time, use a sieve to remove the leaves. Recommended daily consumption is two cups.