Home Plants Tayuya tea – Benefits and properties

Tayuya tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Scientific name Cayaponia tayuya , tayuya is a plant that has many medicinal indications. Also known as pumpkin d’anta, wild zucchini, pinta ana, pepper ana, quicksilver, blackhead, kaiapó, bush captain, berry fruit, sao caetano melon, purga- de-caboclo, purga-de-gentio, purga-de-pai-joão, root-de-bugre, the plant has in its leaves and roots properties that can be used to treat diseases.

Benefits and properties

Its action as an analgesic has been used for a long time in South America. Both analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties were scientifically proven in 1991. It has a purifying action – blood detoxifying –, laxative, antioxidant, diuretic, in addition to being effective in the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, ulcers, sciatic nerve pain, syphilis, dermatoses, diarrhea, stomach dilation, dyspepsia, skin disease, erysipelas, scrofulosis, hydrops and leukorrhea. It is also effective in combating gastrointestinal atony, gonorrhea, sciatica, diarrhea, dermatoses, erysipelas, dyspepsia, joint pain, fever, among other things. Its external use is effective in eliminating facial blemishes and treating acne, wounds and boils.

It can also be applied as a tonic, anti-anemic, liver and spleen cleanser, emmenagogue, emetic and to combat weakness.

How to prepare tea?

The tea must be prepared with the proportion of two tablespoons for each liter of water. In a container, put the water and the herb, and bring the fire. When it comes to a boil, simmer for another 3 or 4 minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and let stand for about 10 minutes. After this period, strain and consumption. The recommended dose of tea is two to three cups a day.

For maceration, indicated for external use, you must knead the leaves, or grind them in cold water, forming a creamy homogeneous mixture. This should be applied over the injured area, but between two cloths, which can be hot, warm or cold.


When used in doses above the recommended, the plant is toxic. The consumption of the plant is contraindicated for patients with a history of frequent diarrhea. In addition, people who have bowel movements prone to diarrhea may have an increased number of bowel movements, or even gummy diarrhea.

The consumption of drugs, whether herbal or industrialized, should only be done under medical supervision, since any drug can have drug reactions with others. It is always necessary to consult a professional, as there are still adverse reactions in patients who have diseases or use continuous medication.

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