Home Plants Mastruz tea – Benefits and properties

Mastruz tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

A good part of the Brazilian population – especially those who live or have lived near the countryside or in places with several plantations – know and have even consumed mastrich or mint. Originally from Mexico, the herb has been used for centuries and known by the Aztecs as “herb holy”, since it was considered a medicinal food and could be consumed in several menus. It is also called Santa Maria herb, ragweed, wormwood and chenopodium. Its scientific name is Chenopodium ambrosioides .

Mastruz was quickly disseminated in Brazil, as it grows spontaneously in almost all types of soil. Its scent is strong and sometimes bitter, the leaves are dark green, elongated, but in different sizes, and its flowers are whitish and very small. The plant can measure up to 70 cm in length, and is easily found in natural pharmacies and natural food stores, in addition to several plantations.


Properties and benefits

Mastruz has anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, expectorant, healing, sedative, aromatic, digestive, abortive, antimicrobial, antifungal and antiviral properties. Consisting of large amounts of calcium, phosphorus, iron, potassium, zinc and complex vitamins A, B and C, the plant acts directly on intestinal constipation, recovery from wounds and itching. Through it, it is possible to eliminate parasites and worms from the body, in addition to treating amenorrhea, stomach cramps and flatulence. The mastruz is also often an efficient aid in the treatment of malaria.

Anyone who has respiratory problems, smokes for many years or suffers from nasal congestion or bronchitis, also benefit from the consumption of the plant, which clears the body of mucus and phlegm, allows the respiratory system to function properly. Mastruz is still a powerful tool to improve the body’s defenses, as it boosts immunity and thus prevents many future diseases and infections. Many adults today may remember as children taking mastrich smoothie made by their grandparents. If you have difficulty getting illnesses, thank them! Even in the treatment of chronic diseases, osteoporosis, anemia and Alzheimer’s disease, the mastruz is important and can make all the difference in terms of quality and time of treatment.

Recipes to consume mastrich

Mastruz can be consumed as a tea or as a vitamin, and it is possible to use both its leaves and its flowers. The recipe for making the tea is simple: just bring a liter of water to the fire, along with 3 branches of mastruz. Bring to a boil and then smother. When the temperature is pleasant, just sweeten, strain and consume.

To prepare the mastruz vitamin, blend a liter of milk, 3 branches of the plant and sugar in a blender to taste.

Stay tuned

It is important to emphasize that, due to its abortive properties, the mastruz is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under two years of age due to its toxicity. The plant’s already reported side effects include headache, miscarriage, vomiting, liver damage, skin and mucous membrane irritation, visual disturbances and nausea. However, these effects are only caused in cases of excessive consumption.

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