Home Plants Pata de vaca tea – Benefits and properties

Pata de vaca tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

The medicinal plant known as pata de vaca can be named in other regions as cow’s hand, ox’s paw or ox’s claw. The tree, of Brazilian nationality, has a thorny trunk and large, exotic flowers that are usually white, or more rarely reddish.

Scientific name Bauhinia foticata , the plant is native to southern Brazil, also being found in Paraguay, Argentina and Uruguay. Up to 6 meters high, its leaves can reach 15 cm in length and 14 in width, and its shape is rounded.


Properties and benefits

The tea made with the pata de vaca plant, which can have its leaves found for sale in physical and online health food stores, is widely used in the fight against diabetes, acting as a diuretic, cholesterol reducer, stimulant for the pancreas to produce more insulin and slimming.

Its consumption can be done with the objective of treating liver, intestine, stomach and kidney problems, in addition to treating diarrhea, urinary insufficiency, constipation, loose urine or polyuria, and it works by preventing the appearance of sugar in the urine.

It can also be used to treat bladder or kidney stones, high blood pressure, hemophilia, anemia, obesity, urinary and heart diseases. These benefits are possible thanks to its properties that include its performance as an analgesic, vermifuge, depurative, laxative, purgative, healing and hypoglycemic.

How to prepare?

To prepare this tea use the proportion of two pata de vaca leaves to half a cup of water. In a container put the water and bring to fire. When it comes to a boil, turn off and add the leaves, preferably chopped – as this makes it easier to extract the beneficial substances present in the leaves – cover and let stand for about ten minutes. Consume up to three cups a day.

The tea, made in larger proportions and a larger quantity of leaves, can be used for bathing. This treatment is effective in the case of wounds in patients with diabetes, as they have difficulties in healing. For this treatment to be effective, it must be repeated daily after cleaning the injured part, which must be soaked or with a compress.

Contraindications and precautions

The consumption of tea from this plant is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, patients with hyperglycemia crises and chronic diseases. It is important that, before consuming this tea, especially if the patient is diabetic, an appointment is made with the doctor, as it can act by increasing the effect of medications for the treatment of diabetes. This plant should never be used as a substitute for the treatment indicated by your doctor, but rather as a complement.

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