Home Plants Vegetable Insulin – Stone tea one caá

Vegetable Insulin – Stone tea one caá

by Dianna Leon

Belonging to the Myrtaceae family , the stone ume caá has around 150 species of Myrcia . The shrub grows to a medium size and predominantly in drier regions of the Amazon and other regions of Brazil. The plant, in 1965, was nicknamed by Dr. Cruz, a Brazilian physician, as “vegetable insulin”. Native to Brazil, the plant has its leaves used in the preparation of tea. Also popularly known as cambuí, this plant has medicinal benefits applied for many years in the treatment of health conditions.

Benefits and properties

Used for a long time by native tribes, as well as by traditional Brazilian medicine, the plant received the nickname of vegetable insulin thanks to its properties. 30 years later, the same doctor and a team managed to register actions and uses of this stone for the treatment of diabetes.

It can be used to treat diarrhea, hypertension, bleeding and mouth ulcers. It has astringent, anti-diarrheal and hypoglycemic properties, which makes it effective in the treatment of diabetes, in the prevention of diabetic neuropathies and macular degeneration, acts as a heart tonic, strengthening and balancing, combating hypertension, enteritis, diarrhea and dysentery, among others .

It can also be used in the treatment of cholesterol, thrush, slimming diet, enteritis, kidney problems, inflammation of the uterus and ovaries, rheumatism and poor blood circulation problems.

How to use?

The tea should be made from the leaves of the herb, which can be found to buy at physical health food stores or online. To prepare you will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of stone ume
  • 1 liter of water

In a container, put the water and the herb, and bring to the fire. When the mixture comes to a boil, turn off the heat and cover, leaving it smothered for a period of approximately ten minutes. After this time, strain and consume without sweetening. The recommended dose is between two and three cups of tea a day.

Contraindications and precautions

The use of ume caá stone is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating patients. Also, it should not be used in patients who have hypoglycaemia.

Before using this plant for the treatment of diabetes and any other condition, consult a doctor. When treating diabetes, it is important to control sugar levels closely, and some medications may be altered. Consumption can enhance anti-diabetic drugs, insulin and drugs for hypertensive patients, so a doctor should always be consulted before consuming the plant.

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