The abrotane, scientific name Artemisia abrotanum , is a plant with medicinal properties, also popularly known as abrottano-male, midrack, bream, locust tree, wormwood or auronia.Originating in southern Europe and Asia Major, abrotáne is an aromatic plant that has yellow flowers and small gray-green leaves.

Due to its medicinal properties, this plant, belonging to the Asteraceae family , is consumed in the form of tea to treat stomach problems.

Properties and Benefits of Abrotane Tea

The properties of abrotane tea include its stimulating, deworming, carminative, diuretic, menstrual cycle regulating and tonic action. It can be used to treat a variety of health problems, such as stomach pain, asthma, poor digestion, chilblains, tuberculosis, menstrual disorders, dyspnea, ascites and nervous disorders.

Currently, abrotane is not widely used in herbal medicine, but in Germany it is still used in the form of a poultice to treat wounds and other skin conditions, such as minor burns.

When mixed with other herbs, abrotane helps fight insomnia. In addition to the mentioned benefits, the infusion of the leaves of this plant also works as a natural insect repellent.

But the benefits of abrotane don’t stop there! The plant also acts as an antiseptic and is capable of killing intestinal worms.

How to prepare abrotane tea?

To take advantage of the benefits of abrotane, just prepare the tea with its leaves. Check out the following recipe:


  • 2 teaspoons (coffee) of dried abrotane leaves;
  • 1 cup of water.

preparation mode

1) Put the water in a container and cook it until it starts to boil;
2) Add plant leaves to a cup and then pour boiling water over the top;
3) Keep the container capped for a few minutes, wait for it to warm, strain and drink.

Contraindications and possible side effects

No contraindications and side effects related to the use of abrotane tea were found in the consulted literature. However, it is important to remember that the active ingredients of a plant can cause adverse reactions and any treatment, including the natural one, must be indicated and accompanied by a specialist. Only a doctor is able to give the correct diagnosis and indicate the best treatment for your case.