When the subject is related to the health of babies, everything is much more detailed. Regarding the use of teas, there is no one who has doubts about the type of herb that is released or the dosage: how old can babies drink teas? If you haven’t asked yourself that question yet, you’ve certainly heard someone who had a doubt in their minds.

It is good to always keep one truth in mind: although they are alternative remedies made from the use of natural ingredients, not every tea is recommended for the treatment of babies.

The safest thing is to seek advice from the doctor, in the case of babies, pediatricians. This action can prevent health problems, such as the incidence of colic and nausea .

Can babies have tea?

According to the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO), up to six months of age, the baby must be fed only and exclusively by breast milk. However, experts in baby health indicate that some teas can be inserted into the daily lives of babies from six months of age. This same recommendation applies to other foods.

The justification for this deadline to be respected is not to overload the organs of the small ones, since most of them are still under development.

Certain types of tea have stimulant power, diuretic, and others that will not do them good. In the relationship “teas x children” small requirements must be followed as to the types of tea ideal for a given treatment.

See also:  Benefits of Lemon Balm Tea for Babies

When to give the baby tea?

According to nutritionist Karine Durães, “a tea can be part of the meal, with therapeutic purpose or accompanying, for example, a fruit if the child likes it. It is important that the tea is sugar-free ”, he says.

Regarding sugar, the recommendation is that this ingredient is only added to the child’s diet from the age of two, the same goes for tea, which, when inserted, must be sugar-free.

It is important that the mother is always aware that milk is the best option to supply the baby’s body from birth. Furthermore, as the organs are still developing, they cannot support large amounts of food and nutrients. A newborn’s stomach, for example, is very small, and if he drinks tea instead of one of the feedings, it will fill his belly and stop absorbing the nutrients and vitamins present in breast milk.

Recommended teas for babies

Before inserting any tea into the baby’s routine, it is important that the doctor is consulted. In this sense, the teas recommended for babies are those considered to be lighter. Among them, fennel , chamomile , lemon balm and mint are among the most popular and harmless to little ones. But, it is always good to take into account that the dosage can be a determining factor and should be prescribed by the doctor.

How to give a baby shower

Generally the correct way to give tea to babies is from the use of a small spoon. When preparing the drink, always opt for fresh or organic herbs . After boiling the water, add the desired herb and let it steep for three or five minutes.

Before offering it to the baby, let it cool a little. Among the benefits that herbs can bring to babies is the power to calm and improve sleep .

Colic, common among babies in the first months of life, should be treated only with breast milk. According to some specialists, not even water is recommended to be integrated into the children’s daily lives. At this stage, the intestine is still maturing, which can interfere with the baby’s well-being. In addition, the baby may be allergic to the components of the tea and there is no evidence that teas reduce colic .

Non-recommended teas for babies

After six months of age, and following the pediatrician’s follow-up , the tea can be introduced into the babies’ lives. Remembering that they must always be sugar free. However, some herbs are not recommended, precisely because they have stimulant effects and because of the high dosage of caffeine, as is the case of mate, black and green tea.

When in doubt about the ideal age to start giving your baby tea or the type of herb used to prepare the drink, do not hesitate to seek out a pediatrician.