Learn about the possible ways to prepare the tea and learn how to make each of the methods and how they vary for the tenderest parts of the herbs and the hardest ones
There are, however, different ways to prepare teas. That’s because roots, bark and stalks take longer to cook than flowers, leaves and branches. Are we going to learn how to prepare different types of teas?
Tea and its ways of preparation
Before we talk about how to prepare, let’s give some general tips.
- Avoid making large amounts of tea to store and consume for several days. Fermentation may take place over time. Prepare only what you are going to consume during the day.
- When preparing tea, it is necessary to use enameled, crockery or earthenware vessels, and they must not be prepared in aluminum or iron pieces.
- Once ready, store in glass, earthenware or crockery utensils.
herbal tea
To prepare the herbal tea, you must bring the water to a boil and when it comes to a boil, add the herb. Simmer for another five minutes, then turn off and cover, leaving to rest for a few minutes before straining and consuming.
In a container, place the roots, stalks or bark, leaves or flowers and set aside. In another, bring the water to the fire and when it is boiling, turn it off. Pour water over the previously separated herb and cover, leaving it to rest for ten minutes for flowers and leaves and between 20 and 30 minutes for bark, stalks and roots.
Place the herbs and still-cold water in a container and heat. When it starts to boil, leave it for a few more minutes, which can vary between five and 20 minutes: for flowers, tender leaves and buds, the time is up to 10 minutes. For bark, roots and stalks, which are firmer, the cooking time increases and should be between 15 and 20 minutes. After that time, cover the container and let it rest with the fire off. After a few minutes, strain and consume.
For the maceration, soak the herbs in cold water for a period between 10 and 24 hours. The most tender parts, such as leaves, flowers and buds, should stay between 10 and 12 hours. The stalks, roots and bark that are harder should be cut into pieces and left to soak for 24 hours. This method does not use boiling and, therefore, is more advantageous than the others, maintaining the plant’s therapeutic properties.