Home Plants Cotton tea – A friend of women’s health

Cotton tea – A friend of women’s health

by Dianna Leon

Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) is a plant of the Malvaceae family widely used in natural medicine. It is speculated that it originated in Asia, although there are records from a long time ago, 500 BC, that talk about its cultivation already in countries like China, India and Egypt. Speaking of Brazil, cotton was brought to Tupinikim lands around the 18th century. It is a type of shrub that has branches, long leaves and that gives rise to solitary and yellow fruits. Today, around forty different species of this plant, native to tropical and subtropical regions, have been found.

In the US, the bark of its roots has been widely used as an inducer of labor or acting as an effective way to stop postpartum blood. In China, its seeds have already been used as male contraceptives, as they are related to infertility.

In the case of medicine, its tea is very suitable for several clinical cases, especially for the replacement of breast milk, when it is lacking, thus, from the second or third day onwards, it is possible to observe the production of breast milk in greater quantities. Chemically speaking, it is composed of furfurol, serotonin, essential oils, resin, tannin, phenols, organic acids, vitamin E and phytosterols.

The cotton plant, in addition to working as a medicine, is also responsible for the production of cotton.

What is the cotton plant for

  • Increased production of breast milk,
  • Decrease in uterine bleeding,
  • Decrease in spermatogenesis,
  • Improves cholesterol levels,
  • Decrease in prostate size,
  • Cases of kidney infection, rheumatism or diarrhea,
  • Decrease in heavy menstruation.

Tea – recipes and ingredients

To make the tea, use two tablespoons of the plant for a liter of mineral water. Simmer for about ten minutes. Then strain and drink the tea, preferably lukewarm, three times a day.

Be careful: contraindications

Do not give cotton tea in cases of women who want to become pregnant due to the presence of carapsin in the active ingredients of the cotton plant. Ingesting this fluid causes the egg not to implant correctly in the uterus.

In some rare and isolated cases the effect of cotton tea does not have the expected effect, increasing the menstrual flow instead of decreasing it. If this happens, use of the tea should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted.

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