The jucá plant is also known as pau-ferro, ibirá-obi, imirá-itá, pau-ferro-do-ceará, jucaína, icaína, icainha, muiarobi and muiré-itá. Its scientific name is Caesalpinia ferrea . It has its origin in Brazil and is part of the Fabaceae family. Within the field of natural medicine, jucá tea is widely used for the treatment of various diseases, such as:
- Diabetes;
- Gingivitis;
- Drop;
- Syphilis;
- Bleeding;
- Rheumatism;
- Dysentery;
- Asthma;
- Intestinal colic;
- Cough with phlegm;
- Hemorrhoids.
General information
Jucá tea is widely used in regions of the Southeast and on the coast of Northeast Brazil. Its tree is large and native to the Atlantic Forest. It is considered as Brazilian ebony, due to its very hard wood, which is why there are nicknames like ironwood.
The berry and bark of this plant have a phytotherapeutic effect and are used in the preparation of teas that serve to help in the treatment of various ailments.
Juca tea must be taken with care, otherwise, ingested too much, it can cause undesirable effects or even act as a toxic plant.
The jucá or pau-ferro plant has a rounded and wide crown measuring about 6 to 12 meters in diameter. Its size is imposing, reaching from 20 to 30 meters in height. The trunk varies in diameter from 50 to 80 cm, is light in color, smooth and scaly, configuring a differentiated visual effect and, in many cases, it is used as a form of decoration. The leaves are dark green, composed bipinnate. Its flowers appear only in summer and autumn, have yellow colors and are small.
Jucá Tea – What is an herbal treatment?
Herbal treatment is when we use medicinal or bioactive plants in different preparations without the use of modern scientific methods for the treatment of illnesses and the recovery of health.
The term phytotherapy has a Greek origin, in which fito (phyto) means “vegetable” and therapy (therapeia) means “treatment”.
We can also consider herbal medicine every pharmaceutical preparation (extracts, ointments and capsules) using raw material parts of plants (leaves, stems, roots, flowers and seeds).
juca tea
- 4 juca beans;
- 1 liter of water;
- Honey to taste.
Wash the juca beans and bring a boil for about 5 minutes in 1 liter of water. After cooling, store in the refrigerator. Drink two glasses of the drink a day, preferably one in the morning and one after lunch.
Juca tea with lemon
- 3 juca beans;
- The juice of a lemon;
- 2 teaspoons of honey with propolis;
- 1 liter of water.
Place the combs in 1 liter of water and boil for about 5 minutes. Turn off heat and add lemon juice. In a cup, sweeten the warm drink with two teaspoons of honey with propolis. This recipe is ideal to be taken before bed. It’s refreshing to wake up in the mood the next day.