One of the most common ways to get the disease is through small drops of mucus secretion, released through coughing or sneezing.
mumps symptoms
To identify the incidence of the disease in children, just pay attention to the salivary glands, located on the side of the face, below the ear. They are usually a little swollen and painful. Other areas of the body can also be affected. In the case of men, after puberty, the testicles can become swollen and painful. In women, the female ovaries are affected, sometimes leading to sterility.
Another point that also denounces mumps is the rise in body temperature. Despite being more common among children, babies are immune to the disease. It is quite common that most people who develop mumps only get sick once in their lifetime. But this cannot be taken as a rule, because one in ten people may have the disease a second time.
Transmission of mumps
One of the most common ways of contracting the disease is through direct contact between an infected person and a healthy one. Transmission of the virus can happen through small drops of mucus secretion, released through coughing or sneezing. After being released and spread through the air, the droplets settle on surfaces of furniture, clothing or any other object that facilitates contact by the healthy person.
A very effective way to prevent mumps is through vaccination. Cases of contagion after vaccination are very rare. When they occur, their intensity is so weak that they are sometimes not even noticed. Depending on the affected organism and the complications caused by the disease, which includes the lack of treatment, it can be fatal.
To treat mumps…
Natural medicine offers some ways to treat mumps. Through the substance contained in some herbs, the preparation of teas helps to reduce symptoms and relieve discomfort caused by the disease.
Chamomile Infusion
Chamomile infusion, or simply chamomile tea, is a good way to alleviate some of the discomfort brought on by the disease. To prepare it is very simple. Follow up!
1 chamomile bag
1 cup (of tea) of water
Ginger powder
Preparation mode
Boil the water, turn off the heat and add the chamomile bag. Then let stand for about five minutes in a container with a lid. Remove the chamomile bag from the water, add a pinch of powdered ginger and honey. The tea should be drunk while still warm. Along with the treatment with tea, it is recommended that the patient has plenty of rest. This will speed up healing.