The plant has a vermifuge effect, which can be used to clean wounds. Furthermore, it also combats rheumatic and neuralgic conditions
Depending on where India lilac is found, it may be known by many other names. Among the best known are: azerdak, chinese lily, japan lily, japan lilac, cinnamon, santa barbara and paradise. In natural medicine, the used parts of the plant are the root bark, fruit and leaves.
Physical Characteristics of Indian Lilac
The Indian lilac is a tree that can exceed 15 meters in height. Its trunk has a short characteristic, while its crown is very diffuse and open. As you approach the bark covering the trunk, you will notice cracks. The young branches are covered with a kind of deciduous hair.
Its leaves have many leaflets, each one of them ovated and lustrous. The flowers are lilac in color and appear in spring during the months of September, October and November. The fruits measure about 15 millimeters, have a yellow color and are smooth. However, rough when ripening.
medicinal properties
With regard to human health, the plant can help to treat some diseases. It has a vermifuge effect, which can be used to clean wounds. Furthermore, the plant can be useful in combating rheumatic and neuralgic conditions.
Contraindications and care
Before including the plant in the treatment of any disease, it is best to consult a doctor. Only he can certify that the plant will really bring beneficial effects to your organism. In this sense, it is good to be careful with high doses, as it can cause changes in heart rhythm, diarrhea, vomiting and shock.
Intoxication symptoms may also appear, causing colic, severe thirst, bloody diarrhea, sweating, cold extremities, failed pulse, paralysis, irregular breathing.
Lilac tea from India
In preparing Lilac India tea you will need 200 ml of filtered water and two tablespoons of fresh leaves and flowers. The first step is to bring the water to a boil. Soon after, turn off the heat and add the herb. Let it sit for 10 minutes.
After this time, use a sieve to remove all the herb and the drink will be ready to be consumed. The indication is that the daily dose does not exceed three cups.