Home Plants Nettle tea – Benefits and properties

Nettle tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Plant of the nettle family, nettle is very common in regions that have temperate climates and is easily found, although it grows unnoticed. Considered a weed by many, the plant has sharp-edged, heart-shaped leaves and its flowers are small and pale. Popularly known as nettle, nettle and nettle, the plant was used in the past by the textile industry, but this application was abandoned at the beginning of the 20th century. Currently, its common applications are as food, medicinal plant and source of chlorophyll.

Indications and contraindications

With mineral salts, calcium, potassium, silicon, folic acid, formic acid, formic acid, chlorophyll, iron, amines, rutin and quercetin, the plant has an astringent, diuretic, galactogogue, blood-forming, antiseborrheic, depurative, antiscorbutic, antioxidant action , antihistamine, hypoglycemic, revitalizing, tonic, capillary tonifying and vasoconstructive.

It is excellent as a detoxifier in cases of liver failure, combating arthritis, arthrosis, allergies, gout, diarrhea, in addition to being great as a nail strengthener, to clean the liver, regulate the blood glucose level, eliminate phlegm, relieve cough , treat bronchitis, asthma, fever, anemia and hay fever. Its consumption also helps to stimulate milk production. In case of eczema and urticaria, it is effective in cleaning the skin. It is also believed that it is effective in stimulating concentration.

The plant is contraindicated in cases of edema that are caused by heart disease or impaired kidney function.

How to prepare tea and other forms of consumption

Use the ratio of one tablespoon of herb to every liter of water. Put the water in a container, add the herb and heat. When it comes to a boil, let it cook for another three or four minutes. Then remove from heat, cover and let stand for approximately ten minutes. Strain and consume. The recommended amount is two to three cups per day. Its use is common in the form of tea, or in cooking. Its leaves are used to make salads that can be served with hot dishes. For aesthetic purposes, the tea can be used to make an immersion bath, which is effective in removing impurities from the skin.

side effects

When fresh, its leaves can cause allergic reactions and skin irritations and, therefore, contact should be avoided. Handling and harvesting the leaves must always be done with gloves, and the herb must never be consumed raw.

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