The purple gervão, scientific name Stachytarpheta jamaicensis , is a plant of the verbaceous family also known by the names of gervão, gervão herb, origão, button broom and oribão. The tree, perennial, can reach 50 cm in height and has alternate leaves and small, serrated and hairy. Its flowers have a blue or white color and are born in long linear spikes. Harvesting can be done at all times of the year and is reproduced by cuttings from branches placed in sandy and well-drained soils, with no preference for the climate. The parts used for medicinal purposes are flowers and plants, and their multiplication can be done through seeds or cuttings with seedlings – when planted, it must be done with a distance of one meter between the seedlings.
The conservation of the herb must be done in a ventilated place without humidity. Prefer to store in paper or cloth bags in portions of roots, stems and leaves.
Benefits and properties
The plant, when used to prepare tea, has healing, bechic, diuretic, anthelmintic, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-diarrheal, anti-emetic, anti-catarral, hemorrhoidal, antioxidant, antipyretic, emmenagogue and digestive properties. It is indicated for combating and treating peptic ulcers, amoebiasis, kidney disorders, nervous disorders, liver and biliary disorders, intestinal parasites, fever, chronic bronchitis, boils, swelling of the spleen and pain of rheumatic origin.
It can also be used to treat headache, contusion, organic weakness, amoebiasis, boils, hepatitis, spleen swelling, bruises, constipation, tumors, vitiligo, hoarseness, cold. Its active principles are glycosides, saponins, tannins and mucilages.
How to prepare tea?
To prepare tea, use 1 tablespoons of herb for every 500 ml of water. In a container, place the water and the herb and bring the fire, waiting for it to boil. Turn off the heat and let the solution sit in a sweltering period of approximately ten minutes. Then strain and consume. The recommended dose is two to three cups a day.
For bruises, wounds and bruises, mash the leaves and fresh roots and apply to the affected areas.
The use of gervan tea is contraindicated for pregnant women and lactating women, in addition to patients with hypotension due to its vasodilating action. Patients with aspirin allergy should also not consume this natural medicine. It is important that before consuming any natural medicine you consult an expert doctor.