Home Plants Purple ipe tea – Benefits and properties

Purple ipe tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

The purple ipe tree is a regular and little branched tree, with pink to light purple flowers, originally from Tropical America, from Mexico to Argentina, and its largest distribution is found in our country. In addition to providing us with a beautiful landscape with the colors of its leaves and its wood being used for various purposes in carpentry, the purple ipe is a natural remedy traditionally used to treat various health problems.

The medicinal properties of purple ipe

  • Astringent;
  • Analgesic;
  • Antiblenorrhagic;
  • Antimicrobial;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Anti-infectious;
  • Anti-Tumor;
  • Antineuralgia;
  • Anti-syphilitic;
  • Antibacterial;
  • Antifungal;
  • Purifying;
  • Stimulator of the immune system;
  • Diuretic

Benefits and indications for use

Due to its medicinal properties, purple ipe tea is indicated for the treatment of cases of various ailments, among which we can mention the following: allergies, anemia, diabetes, cancer, candidiasis, urethral catarrh, itching, muscle pain, colitis, lupus, ulcers, Parkson’s disease, malaria, osteomyelitis, respiratory problems, psoriasis, burns, menstrual cramps, discharge and other female problems. American researchers found that in the bark of this tree there is a substance that can be useful in fighting a certain type of cancer cell, providing a new treatment against lung cancer.

How to enjoy the benefits of purple ipe tea?

In specialized pharmacies, you can find purple ipe in the form of capsules, extract or powder. The used parts of this tree are its bark and leaves.

purple ipe tea

To prepare purple ipe tea, just add two tablespoons of the tree bark to a liter of water. Let it cook for approximately 10 minutes, counting from the moment it starts to boil. After this time, remove from heat and leave to rest, with the container covered, for about 10 minutes. Strain and the tea is ready to drink. The indication for ingestion is 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.

Contraindications and care

Purple ipe tea should not be ingested by pregnant women and during the lactation period. Care should be taken with the amount of tea ingested, as high doses can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, blood anticoagulant effect and other unwanted effects.

Remember that self-medication, even with a natural remedy, can be dangerous, so always consult a specialist before starting any treatment.

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