Commonly found in swamps, close to rivers and humid places, cataria is a plant of the Polygonaceae family.The species is native to Asia, but is found throughout the world in regions with a lot of water. In natural medicine, the plant is known to treat hemorrhoids.

Cataria is a small species, reaching up to one meter in height. Depending on the region where it is found, the plant may be known as capetiçoba, cataria, marsh pepper, water pepper, catala, capiçoba, perciária-do-brasil, petincobe, potincoba and fleas.

medicinal properties

Cataria has astringent, antiseptic, healing, diuretic, hypotensive and rheumatism properties, which is why it is indicated to treat various diseases. However, before resorting to the plant’s curative effects, it is good to consult a doctor so that he can release its use.

Within the medicinal properties that the plant has, it can be used in the treatment of patients with arthritis, erysipelas, hemorrhoids, inflammation, ulcers, in addition to fighting some worms.


The use of cataria is contraindicated for pregnant women, who are breastfeeding and during their menstrual period. Children are also prohibited from following natural treatments with the use of the plant. Overuse can also bring other health problems.

Qatari tea

After knowing a little about the plant, it’s time to learn how to make tea, as it is one of the main ways of using the plant in natural medicine. To do this, separate 200 ml of water and a tablespoon of the dried or fresh plant. Bring the water to a boil and add the herb.

Simmer for about three minutes and then turn off the heat. Keep the container capped for another five minutes before straining and ingesting. The recommendation is that the daily intake of tea does not exceed three cups.