Known as a plant originating in Asia and Europe, the sorrel belongs to the gorgonaceae family.

It has characteristics of a shrub and its use has been widespread since the Middle Ages, as a natural remedy and due to the reddish coloration that can be obtained from the plant’s root.

The sorrel is an acidifying plant, cooling and neutralizing the action of purgative substances. It has a high concentration of silicic acid, potassium, phosphoric acid, in addition to magnesium, aluminum, soda, iron oxide, chlorine, sulfuric acid and manganese oxide.

plant characteristics

The plant can reach up to 80 centimeters in height. Its leaves are a little glaucous, fleshy, and petiolate. The flowers, on the other hand, are small, being arranged in end and lateral panicles. The leaves and flowering parts produce a greenish-yellow dye. The seeds take on triangular shapes, small and brown in color.

Properties of the sour tree

Virtually every part of the plant can be used to treat health problems. Fresh and raw leaves are used in cases of lack of appetite, urine retention and as a blood cleanser. The seeds, on the other hand, can be used to combat chronic eczema and worms.

Added to tea, which can treat diseases such as anemia, skin rashes, bilious affections, abdominal pain, swelling, tiredness of the feet and hands, sores, wounds and ulcers. Another very recurrent problem in cases treated by the plant is vitamin deficiencies.

The bitter taste of the sorrel is due to the oxalic acid content that limits its use.

hazelnut tea

To prepare tea from the plant you will need 250 ml of water and two teaspoons of dried herb. Bring the water to a boil.

Once it reaches the boiling point, turn off the heat and add the herb. Let it sit in a covered container for about 10 minutes. After this time, use a sieve to strain and the tea will be ready to drink.


The consumption of sorrel tea is not recommended for people who suffer from arthritis, rheumatism and stones, in addition to those with a tendency to form oxalic stones.

The consumption of fresh leaves, in large quantities, is not indicated, as it can cause intoxication, compromise digestion, and the absorption of calcium by the body, leading the patient to develop serious illnesses.