As it has an analgesic action, the filipendula acts against pain and swelling in cases of arthritis and gout. Know more.
Benefits of the Philippendula
As it has an analgesic action, this plant acts against pain and swelling in cases of arthritis and gout. Since it is anti-inflammatory, it also helps to treat heartburn, peptic ulcers, gastritis and other inflammatory disorders. In addition to these digestive treatments, the filipendula can protect the intestinal walls, treat cramps, diarrhea, flatulence and others.
Tea made with the herb works to relieve headaches, make you feel relaxed and promote sleep. It even comes in handy in acute infections, colds, fevers and flu. Despite all this, it is also a great ally of the urinary system, working to combat cystitis and urethritis, as well as in the case of fluid retention and kidney problems.
Preparing Filipendula Teas
To make the filipendula tea and enjoy its full benefits, you need to use two tablespoons of chopped herb and water. This recipe is made through an infusion, so put the water on the fire and wait for it to boil, when it reaches boiling state, turn it off. In a cup, place the leaves and add hot water on top, cover and let the mixture rest for approximately 20 minutes. After it cools down, just drink it once a day.
Another way to prepare a very preventive tea that serves to treat problems in the human body is using a tablespoon of bruised or chopped filipendula root. This time, it is through maceration, for 6 hours. After the set time, put the mixture on the fire until it comes to a boil. Then let the drink cool so you can drink it once during the day.
Warning and Cautions
Do not take more than what is indicated in the recipes, because instead of being able to speed up the treatment process, you can cause other problems in the body due to the excess. This natural remedy is not suitable for people who are sensitive to salicylates or for those who have asthma, since the tea increases the possibility of asthma attacks.
A final recommendation is not to take this medication simultaneously with mineral supplements, alkaloids or thiamine. This way you avoid results contrary to the initial treatment.