Burning to urinate, pelvic pain and presence of dark urine or accompanied by blood. These are some of the main symptoms triggered by Urinary Tract Infection (UTI).Better known, simply, for urinary infection, this disease can affect several organs of the urinary system, such as the kidneys, urethra or ureters. However, the most common type of this problem affects the bladder, as it is the device closest to the entry of bacteria through the urethra.

The infection occurs due to some failure of the immune system to try to eliminate a body considered foreign in the body.

Because of this dysfunction, the urinary system is also unable to expel harmful substances, providing a free path for bacteria to multiply and, consequently, generate the known symptoms of this infection. It is noteworthy that this momentary defect in the systems can arise from excessive intake of certain teas.

Action of teas in the body

Numerous researches show how herbs can help humans to promote greater health and quality of life. Even in the case of natural elements, care must be taken with the amount ingested daily, considering that some substances can harm the body if consumed in excess.

This is the case, for example, with caffeine, which in high amounts can contribute to the emergence of bladder infections.

Teas such as black, green, oolong and white are drinks rich in caffeine, for this reason they act as antioxidants for the body. In a way, this property is beneficial to the body, as it combats the harmful action of free radicals. On the other hand, if ingested in excess, it can cause irritation in the urinary tract and, consequently, create inflammation in this region.

Since caffeine, in high doses, irritates the bladder, the immune system attacks the bladder itself in an attempt to eliminate the inflammation. In this perspective, the bacteria take advantage of the situation to multiply unharmed, thus promoting bladder infection.

In other words, it is as if the body is unable to recognize the two problems and, focusing only on one of them, makes room for the proliferation of the other.

Other consequences caused by the uncontrolled use of caffeinated beverages are: diuretic action and dehydration. In the first case, there is an increase in urinary frequency, causing even more irritation in the bladder, as there are several cleanings and passage of urine with a high concentration. As for dehydration, this occurs as a consequence of the diuretic effect and also contributes to inflammation.

Should I stop drinking the teas?

This does not mean, however, that these teas or other beverages that have caffeine in their compositions need to be eliminated from the patient’s diet. It is only necessary to pay attention to consumption, avoiding the high intake of these components. Thus, the individual can take care of their health and still enjoy the benefits and properties of these liquids.