Discover the rosemary plant and learn how to prepare your tea. Find out what the benefits and properties of the plant are and how to use it.
Benefits and properties
The aromatic plant is quite common and its use is mainly applied to leave a smell in clothes drawers, being placed inside bags, but it can be used to prepare a tea full of health benefits.
It works in the treatment of migraine, in addition to treating bronchitis, asthma and helps to clean the liver, being indicated for excess alcoholic beverages. They also help fight intestinal gas, catarrh, headaches and rheumatic pain, flu, nervous tension, cough and act as an excellent tranquilizer and in restoring menstrual flow.
preparation mode
To prepare the tea, you will need:
– 1 tablespoon of rosemary (known as lavender)
– 1 liter of water
In a container, put the water and herb and bring to the fire. Then light the fire and wait until it comes to boil. When this happens, cover the container and turn off the heat, letting the mixture rest for approximately ten minutes, or until it becomes warm. Strain afterwards and, if desired, sweeten with honey. The recommended dose is between 1 and 3 cups a day.
Contraindications and precautions
The plant is contraindicated for patients who have gastric ulcers and pregnant women. When consumed in excess, the plant can cause drowsiness. No drug interactions related to the plant were found in the consulted literature, but we recommend that, before using drugs, even natural ones, to treat any ailments, seek medical advice.