Home Plants Ginkgo biloba tea – Benefits and properties

Ginkgo biloba tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Ginkgo biloba ( Ginkgo biloba L .), also popularly known as walnut tree, is a tree native to the Far East and is already famous for its health benefits.

For the Chinese, this tree is a symbol of longevity and peace. The tree can reach 40 meters in height, its leaves are similar to clover and its fruit resembles a plum, containing a walnut that can be roasted and eaten. Ginkgo biloba was the first plant to sprout after the destruction caused by the dropping of the atomic bomb in the city of Hiroshima, Japan.


Benefits of ginkgo biloba

Ginkgo biloba is a plant with anti-inflammatory, antifungal, antibacterial, antidepressant, antidiabetic action and helps in the treatment of labyrinthitis. Ginkgo bilola extract is a substance that stimulates the functioning of the brain, helping in cases of memory loss. It also acts in the regulation of blood circulation mechanisms, has an antioxidant action and favors the activation of energy metabolism. It reduces dizziness, relieves pain in legs and arms, stops ringing in the ears. In addition, it acts as a facilitator of arterial, cerebral and peripheral blood flow, activating neuronal metabolism and protecting capillary veins.

There are suspicions that its benefits go even further: studies carried out suggest its ability to prevent and attack tumors.

Talk to your doctor about using ginkgo biloba so they can see that the plant can be used in your case. Monitoring by a doctor is very important!

Side effects

Cases of side effects arising from the consumption of ginkbo biloba are rare: only 5% of people who consume the plant extract have some side effect. However, the medicine has a red stripe and can only be sold with a prescription, the maximum recommended dose being 240mg per day. Side effects include abdominal discomfort, nausea, allergies, headache, dizziness and dizziness.

How to prepare the tea

To prepare ginkgo biloba tea, add a tablespoon of the sliced ​​plant leaves along with two cups of boiling water. Leave to infuse for about 15 minutes in a muffled container. After this period, strain. Have two cups of tea a day.

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