Home Plants Guaçatonga tea – Benefits and properties

Guaçatonga tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Used for a long time by the indigenous people, Guaçatonga is little known. Its scientific name is Casearia sylvestris , popularly known as white bugru, café-wild, café-do-devil or café-do-brejo. Its medicinal properties are still used by the Indians today, mainly in cases of skin problems and snake bites. Easily found in Brazilian territory, the plant has been widely used for the production of homeopathic remedies, herbal creams and in the treatment of cold sores and canker sores.


With several plants of the same house family, called guaçatonga, only one has been used. This one measures from two to six meters in height, and is the shortest of the family. The plant has healing, depurative, calming, sweating, tonic, cardiotonic, diuretic, stimulant, aphrodisiac, anesthetic, antispasmodic, anti-hemorrhagic, antimicrobial, antiseptic and immunostimulant properties. It is indicated for various health problems, acting on paralysis, rheumatism, herpes, hemorrhages, inflammation, leg swelling, uric acid, thrush, arthritis, chest pain, diarrhea, snake bites, bruises, many insect bites, ringworm, syphilis, obesity and ulcers. It contains caryophyllene, which cancels the effects of histamine and, in addition, is healing and can help in the weight loss process.

How to use?

Guaçatonga can be used in the form of a compress when treating cases of skin problems. The compress should be prepared with 30g of the plant, 10g of comfrey leaves and a liter of water. Add herbs to water and boil for ten minutes. It can be applied in a warm or cold place.

As a syrup, it is used to treat thrush. Its preparation is simple, just crush the leaves of the guaçatonga with alcohol and apply it to the mouth wounds.

The tea is indicated when there are digestive problems and ulcers. In 200 ml of boiling water, place 10g of guaçatonga. Then let it steep. It is recommended to drink two cups a day.


The consumption of guaçatonga should be avoided by pregnant women, as the plant stimulates uterine contractions, which can cause a miscarriage, and also by breastfeeding women. There are no records of side effects, but it is necessary, as a precaution, to avoid consuming in excess and just follow the recommendations.

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