The cactus is used by the indigenous population and cabocla from Central and South America. Learn about the properties and benefits of the plant.
Native to Central America, but also cultivated in South America and on the European continent, it is a shrubby plant, which can reach up to 10 meters in height.
The used parts of the cactus include its flower buds, buds, fresh stems and dried flowers. Thanks to its medicinal properties, it is possible to use the plant in tea form to help treat various health conditions.
Cactus Characteristics
The grandiflorus Selenicereus is a shrubby plant having serpentuoso climbing and trunk, with about 4 cm thick; the stem is smooth and bluish green in color; the flowers are large and beautiful, with numerous petals arranged in a spiral.
Since time immemorial, the cactus has been used by the indigenous population and cabocla from Central and South America. It is important to emphasize that this species should not be confused with others, as the other cactus do not have therapeutic properties. Among the active principles of this plant are flavonoids, amines, betacyanins and alkaloids.
Properties and benefits
Among the medicinal properties of the cactus are its stimulating action and cardiac modulator, anti-inflammatory and stimulating medullary mechanisms.
Due to its properties, the plant is indicated to treat a series of health conditions, such as: bluetongue and rheumatic fevers, simple or inflammatory; congestion and irritation of the heart and blood vessels; aortitis; pericarditis; hypertrophy; valve injuries; cardiac muscle degeneration; arrhythmias resulting from excessive consumption of tea, coffee, tobacco and alcohol; liver congestion; gallstones; urinary affections; cystitis; dysmenorrhea; pulmonary and other affections.
Cactus tea: how to prepare?
To enjoy the medicinal benefits of cactus through your tea, just add 1 tablespoon of dried herb to every cup of boiling water; or 2 tablespoons of fresh herb for every cup of water. The indication for consumption of this tea is up to five cups a day.
Care and contraindications
There are reports that the internal use of fresh cactus juice causes hives, dermatosis, burning in the mouth, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Remember that all treatment – including natural ones – must only be done under medical supervision.