Home Plants Cow’s Tongue Tea – Benefits and Properties

Cow’s Tongue Tea – Benefits and Properties

by Dianna Leon

We call a cow’s tongue a plant that has broad leaves and a long, orange-colored root. With an approximate height of 80 centimeters, reaching up to 2 meters – counted from the soil surface -, the plant is considered a pest in many cultures, as it spreads easily. Also known as maria-gorda, fenugreek, carirú, fura-tacho, inha-gome, java spinach, suriname spinach, bredo, ora-pro-nobis and many other names, the plant can be used to prepare salads , braised dishes or even a tea.

Benefits and properties

Among its active ingredients, we find parasorbic acid, 3a-hydroxy-5-methylvalerolactone and pranasine. Among its medicinal properties are its antiblenorrhagic, anti-flu, anti-herpetic, bequica, clearing, diuretic, emmenagogue, sedative, tonic and vulnerary action, most of which can be used in the form of tea.


All parts of the plant have applied properties in home medicine. The infusion, prepared with the roots, has diuretic properties and is very indicated for the treatment of edema, potassium replacement, elimination of bad smells in the urine, urinary tract affections, elimination of catarrh, treatment of skin diseases, headaches and muscle pain. , insomnia, constipation, cough, ulcers and lymphatic tumors. To prepare use a tablespoon of sliced ​​root and a glass of boiling water. Leave the mixture capped and wait approximately ten minutes, straining and then consuming. Consumption should be done in a dose of ½ cup on an empty stomach.


The decoction, in turn, is effective in the treatment of intestinal infections, in addition to combating fatigue, physical and mental fatigue and organic weakness. To prepare, use a teaspoon of the roots, a teaspoon of the leaves – both sliced ​​– and a teacup of water. Put the ingredients in a container and bring to the fire. When it comes to a boil, time it for 5 minutes, turn it off, and when it gets warm, strain. Consume a cup of tea between 1 and three times a day.


When used as a poultice, the plant can be used – externally – to treat wounds, topical inflammations and skin conditions such as eczema, itching, erysipelas and itching. For the preparation, use two tablespoons of the fresh leaves that must be macerated into a paste. This paste should be applied two to three times a day to the affected area. For application, use gauze or a cloth – which must be clean.

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