Home Plants Doril Herb Tea – Benefits and Indications

Doril Herb Tea – Benefits and Indications

by Dianna Leon

The herb doril is also known through several other popular names depending on its location, such as: anador, Melhoral, aconito-do-mato, caponga, white-head, little burr, little burr, herb, infallible, nateira, penicillin, perpetua, perpetua-do-brasil, perpétua-do-mato, pot breaker, evergreen and terramycin.

It belongs to the Amaranthaceae family and its botanical name is Achyranthes bettzickiana . Its origins are in South America, and its prominent history began with the caboclos, who used the herb medicinally, giving names that describe its effects.



The plant can reach more than two meters in length, its leaves are long oval, in colors that vary from red to purple. The leaves are green when young and reddish when ripe. Smooth and membranous texture. Its flowers are white and small in size. The part used for the herb doril tea is only the leaves.

Benefits of doril tea

Doril herb tea has several human health benefits:

Leaves: perform analgesic, depurative, diuretic and digestive reactions.

The tea works to eliminate headaches and migraines, helps to cleanse the body of impurities (eliminates toxins). It has a diuretic effect, ideal for people who are looking to lose weight or who are under the effect of any treatment that requires a lot of urination. The doril herb is also great for helping with the effects of digestion, working in tandem with the stomach, preventing the effects of gas, burning and even that feeling that food cannot be completely digested. Tea is ideal to be consumed after heavy meals, such as after a feijoada. Its leaves are also used as an astringent and anti-diarrheal.


  • Bladder;
  • Liver;
  • Hemorrhoids;
  • Headaches.

Doril tea recipe

  • 20 grams of doril herb leaves;
  • 1 liter of boiling water;
  • Honey to taste.

Boil the water with 20 grams of doril herb leaves. After boiling, wait for about 3 minutes, then turn off the heat. Let the leaves stand in hot water for a few minutes, until they are shriveled and darker in appearance. After that, consume the tea at a warm temperature and sweeten it with honey to taste. For the medicinal effect to appear quickly, drink the tea two to three times a day.

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