Scientific name Rudbeckia hirta , the yellow daisy is a plant of the Asteraceae family, being also known as rudbequia, well-me-quees and badly-me-quees.

It is a biannual herbaceous plant, normally cultivated as an annual, and can reach up to 1 meter in height. This is very showy and flowery, recommended for large masses on well-kept lawns.

Like other plants, the yellow daisy also has medicinal properties, however, it should only be used under medical advice. In this article, learn about the properties and benefits of yellow daisy tea.

Yellow daisy characteristics

In spring and summer, the yellow daisy produces inflorescences that are golden yellow to ocher. Its leaves have serrated and rough edges; the flowers are large and lush. This plant should be grown in well-fertilized beds with sun exposure.

The yellow daisy is indicated for the high altitude regions of the midwest and south of Brazil, as it enjoys low temperatures. Its multiplication takes place by seeds.

Properties and benefits

Among the medicinal properties of the yellow daisy are its antibacterial, antifungal and tonic action. The used parts of this plant are its flowers, roots and leaves. Thanks to its properties, yellow daisy tea can be useful in treating fungal and bacterial infections.

Yellow daisy tea: how to prepare?

The leaves and flowers are used in the preparation of a tea that can provide a feeling of well-being and fight fungal and bacterial infections.

To prepare tea, just boil a handful of the plant’s leaves and flowers in a cup of water. It is important to emphasize that the tea should only be used under the guidance of a specialist. Always remember that plants can be dangerous too!

Contraindications and care

Yellow daisy tea is contraindicated for people sensitive to plants of the Asteraceae family. Also, this plant can be toxic to animals. The handling of the yellow daisy can cause contact dermatitis. Always consult a doctor before starting any treatments, natural or otherwise.