Learn how to grow tea herbs at home, check out the necessary care and check out some suggestions of herbs to grow.
Building a tea garden, in addition to being great for health, helps bring tranquility, being a great hobby, in addition to being a very interesting decorative item.
Step by step
The first step is to choose where to build the garden. If you have a backyard at home, you can choose a small space of land, but if you prefer or if you live in an apartment and small spaces, you can opt for the garden in small pots. Choose one that is relatively large in size, depending on the amount of herbs and where you will be leaving. At the bottom of the vase, place gravel stones lining the vases and make some holes to make it easier to drain the water.
Then prepare the soil to be placed in the pot, or prepare the soil for the chosen location. Fertilize properly, and if you don’t know how to do this, go to a place that sells seedlings and land products, as they will certainly know how to help.
Fertilize the garden annually and periodically remove weeds that insist on growing there. Water between two and three times a week, always at night.
Herbal Suggestions
- Stevia : it is a natural sweetener that can be used to replace industrialized sweeteners and refined sugar. It is safe for diabetics, being naturally sweet. It is necessary to dehydrate the leaves before using. Protect from the cold.
- Rosemary : in addition to being a medicinal plant, rosemary is an excellent spice. Its infusion can be used to help treat depression, as well as being excellent for treating circulation problems. The plant does well in sun, tolerating soft shades. The soil must be well drained.
- Thyme : With a spicy taste, thyme is tolerant to the sun, and can be used to treat gastrointestinal problems and sore throats.
- Coriander : in addition to being used as a seasoning for food, coriander can be used to prepare a delicious tea with a strong citrus flavor, spicy and sour.
- Chamomile : Famous for being a natural tranquilizer, chamomile is an herb that has a pleasant aroma and taste, and is used to aid sleep and against anxiety.
- Lavender : indicated to help reduce tension, but also to treat headaches, lavender is also an excellent choice for your tea garden.
- Mint : mint, certainly, could not be missing. With a very pleasant flavor, mint can be used to treat stomach problems, in addition to being refreshing and cleansing. It is important to plant in a pot as it can easily spread in gardens.