Home Others Homemade teas to stop gas

Homemade teas to stop gas

by Dianna Leon

We all produce intestinal gas on a daily basis, but when they become too frequent and bothersome with their unpleasant smell, it’s time to regulate what you’re eating. That’s because most people who suffer from excessive intestinal gas owe it to poor diet .

The increase in the number of gases can arise due to genetic inheritance, constipation, the body’s intolerance to some foods such as milk, dairy products and products with gluten, and frequent consumption of foods that ferment in the intestines.

Beans, potatoes, lentils and cabbage are examples of foods that ferment in the intestines, but it is in fatty foods that the danger lies: bacon, fried foods, fatty and highly fermented pies, breaded items and industrialized soups should be consumed sporadically for those who want to avoid gas. Sausages such as bologna, ham, sausage and sausage should also be avoided.

Soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and soda are also villains, as they cause too much air to end up in our intestines. It is also wise to carefully consume condiments such as ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, mustard, mayonnaise and red pepper.

Teas that fight gases

And to give that little help in combating gases, there is nothing better than the help of natural medicine. We’ve separated for you several teas that help to end this uncomfortable little problem, now it’s just up to you to choose what you like the most:

  • Leather Hat Tea – Put a liter of water in a pot, wait for it to boil. Add a tablespoon of leather hat leaves and turn off after two minutes of boiling and drink. Drink three cups of this tea a day.
  • Basil Tea – Boil a cup of water. Place three fresh basil leaves in the pan, turn off the heat and let it simmer for at least five minutes, then drink. It is advisable to consume three cups of tea a day.
  • Fennel and Lemongrass Tea – In a cup place a tablespoon of lemongrass and a tablespoon of fennel. Cover the leaves with boiling water and drink as soon as it gets warm. To feel the effects quickly, take three to four cups of tea throughout the day. Do not sweeten.

And juices can also help you avoid gas during the day! The most suitable are carrot juices – which should be taken before lunch – and watercress – which should be consumed three times a day, for a maximum of three consecutive days.

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