Home Plants Juniper tea – Benefits and properties

Juniper tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Originally from Europe, the juniper plant has the scientific name Juniperus communis . Belonging to the Cupressaceae family, juniper can be identified by its delicate yellowish flowers, and by the sharp leaves of its shrubs. It is a medium-sized plant, with rounded fruits with a special aroma and flavor, commonly used for flavoring or seasoning purposes. Juniper is commonly used in gin, to flavor it and give it its characteristic taste, leaving the drink and its aroma lightly sweetened. According to each region, the juniper plant may be popularly known as the fruit of gin, geneva, juniper, juniper and juniper. However, it is believed that it has other uses, such as medicinal properties that are beneficial to the human body.

Properties and Benefits of Juniper Tea

Juniper exerts certain benefits on the body, according to the following important properties it contains:

  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Antirheumatism;
  • Antiseptic;
  • Appetizer;
  • Carminative;
  • Soothing;
  • Digestive;
  • Diuretic

Thus, it is possible to prevent many diseases with the juniper plant, or in cases in which the individual is already ill, it can be a powerful aid in the treatment. For example, its anti-inflammatory property allows it to help muscle pain caused by inflammation, as well as sore throat, intestinal, among others; rheumatism also has its symptoms relieved and reduced with the consumption of juniper; as a powerful antiseptic it is important for the treatment of pimples, acnes, skin irritations and cellulite; those who suffer from insomnia, depression, hyperactivity or nervousness also benefit from consuming juniper, which acts as a tranquilizer; reduces stomach acidity, preventing digestive problems; eliminates or greatly reduces bad breath; juniper is also very effective in treating respiratory problems, such as asthma and bronchitis; promotes “cleaning” in the body due to its diuretic properties, which stimulate the elimination of liquids, expelling toxins and bacteria through the urine, in addition to contributing to weight loss.

Side effects and contraindications

In the case of treatments carried out with the juniper plant for a long and prolonged period, there is an increase in the possibility of the occurrence of kidney problems. Individuals with kidney disease or pregnant women should not consume the plant.

We remember that each organism is unique and responds to stimuli made in a different way. Thus, it is strongly recommended that you never start a medicinal treatment – Be it industrialized or natural – without the help and guidance of a trusted physician.

preparation mode

You can find the fruits of the juniper plant in powdered form in pharmacies and natural food stores. Heat two tablespoons of the juniper powder, along with half a liter of water. Simmer for five minutes, then smother the container and wait for the tea to warm. When the temperature is suitable for consumption, drink the tea and repeat the procedure once a day, for a week or according to medical advice.

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