With astringent and hemostatic properties, selaginela is a plant that has its origins defined in tropical America. Despite its rather unusual name, this species can also be known by other names, depending on the region where it is found. The most common are Jericho and Pé-de-Papagaio.

As you can see, selaginela can be used in the process of treating and curing some diseases. However, before that, it is necessary that a doctor is consulted. Only he has the necessary knowledge to certify the use of the plant, since, depending on the patient, it can bring some complications.

At the appointment, the doctor will examine the patient’s pathology. Soon after, he will be confronted with the chemical properties of the plant. In the evaluation, the patient’s physical characteristics are also taken into account, as well as the possibility of developing other rejection problems, such as allergies.

Physical characteristics of the saddlela

Selaginelas are creeping or ascending plants. They have simple, scale-like leaves on branched stems from which the roots emerge. This species has structures called ligules, which are configured as a kind of scale located at the base of the upper surface of each microphile and sporophile.

The leaves of the selaginela are dark green and shiny. When it comes to growing, she likes shade and moisture. For this reason, selaginela can be cultivated in homes or apartments, it being enough that more specific care be taken in relation to the frequency of water placement.

medicinal properties

Generally, the whole plant can be used as an ingredient in preparations for health. Among the most common diseases, for which selaginela tea can be used, asthma, bronchitis, lung disease, gastrointestinal bleeding, hematuria, hemoptysis, leukorrhea, rectal prolapse and cough are highlighted.

saddlery tea

One of the most common ways to use the plant in health treatments is through the preparation of tea. To do this, just separate 200 ml of filtered water and a tablespoon of fresh herb. To start the preparation, take a bowl with a lid and bring the water to a boil.

As soon as the first signs of boiling appear, turn off the heat and add the saddlery. Keep the container capped for 10 minutes. After this time, use a sieve to remove the herb and the tea will be ready to drink. The recommendation is that consumption does not exceed three cups.