The levante, scientific name Mentha viridis , is an example of an herb that provides several benefits to our health.

Belonging to the mint family, this plant has a composition and shape very similar to mint and can be useful for problems related to the respiratory tract.

Mints are herbaceous plants that comprise numerous species, many of which are cultivated for their aromatic, flavoring, ornamental or medicinal properties.

Survey characteristics

Belonging to the laminaceas family and originating in Europe and Africa, the levante is a rhizomatous herbaceous plant, as it has underground stems. The herb leaves are green and have a characteristic aroma. The uprising measures between 30 and 60 cm, rarely blooms and is proliferated by means of seedlings.

Properties and benefits

The uprising’s medicinal properties include its soothing, deworming, antispasmodic and anthelmintic action. The herb is used to treat respiratory, digestive and nervous problems.

The uprising can also be used in cases of flu, colds and bronchitis, in addition to helping to combat colic, diarrhea, flatulence and other signs of intestinal infection. Due to its calming properties, this plant is indicated for individuals who suffer from problems related to the nervous system.

How to prepare the rising tea?

To enjoy the benefits of the lift, just consume it by preparing an infusion. For this, use 10 g of the herb and a liter of boiling water. The indication for consumption is 2 to 3 cups of tea a day.


No contraindications were found in the literature consulted, but remember that consumption should not be exaggerated. It is important to emphasize that, before starting any treatments, it is necessary to consult a specialist.