Home Plants Rhubarb tea – Benefits and properties

Rhubarb tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Originally from Southeast Europe, the rhubarb plant belongs to the Polygonacea family and has the scientific name Rheum tanguticum , being also known as Chinese rhubarb, field rhubarb or webbed rhubarb. It is an annual herb with small whitish or greenish flowers, large rough and webbed leaves, with achene fruit. The plant has medicinal properties that can bring several benefits to the body that consumes it.

Benefits and Properties

The main actives of rhubarb are acids – gallic, chrysophanic and tannic –, anthraquinones and glycosides. Its properties are: laxative, digestive, stomachic, astringent, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antibacterial, antiseptic, tonic and stomach stimulant. Thus, the plant is able to fight liver and biliary infections, irregular intestinal functions and asthenia. It is also a powerful natural laxative and can be used to treat mild, medium or severe constipation. It also helps to treat pharyngitis, gingivitis, dyspepsia, blood clots, amenorrhea, diarrhea, dysentery, worms, fever, jaundice, mouth sores, hemorrhoids and menopause.

It is even possible to use rhubarb to clean the bowel before carrying out tests such as X-rays, as well as interventions or operations that require it. However, despite all its benefits, one should not be tempted to consume it in excess, as it can cause painful gastrointestinal spasms, which can become complicated and result in loss of potassium, rectocolitis or pseudomelanosis. It is contraindicated for pregnant women, nursing mothers, menstruating women, people suffering from cystitis, heart failure or kidney failure. As much as it is a reputable herb and has already cured many, nothing in excess is beneficial, especially in terms of health and medication. Believe me, as much as the medication is natural, it still needs medical attention.

How to Prepare Rhubarb

Rhubarb can be consumed in different ways, depending on the need. In most cases it is eaten raw, prepared with salads. However, if you suffer from burns, fever or skin sores, you can make a rhubarb compress. Just bring to fire a liter of water with 4 tablespoons of the plant, bring to a boil and then turn off. Place a clean cloth into the kettle and allow it to soak up the liquid. When the temperature is pleasant, apply the compress to the affected area. If the problem is gingivitis or mouth sores, repeat the above procedure, but do not include any cloth in the tea. Just let it cool and then rinse with the rhubarb tea once a day.

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