Caused by excessive contraction of the neck muscles, torticollis is one of the most recurrent pains in people’s daily lives. It can be caused by a sudden turn of the neck, poor posture, sleeping in a bad position and even maneuvering the car looking backwards. Pain is related to muscle tension, so you can use some teas to solve this problem.It is quite common for patients suffering from torticollis to complain of headaches. This is explained by the fact that the contraction of the neck muscle is very intense and extends to neighboring areas such as the shoulders and head. Another reason is anxiety and irritation caused by limited movement due to stiff neck. This can make the annoyance even worse.

But, it’s good to keep an eye out, as it can also be signs of more serious problems, such as inflammation of the spine, herniated disc and tonsillitis, meningitis or osteomyelitis.

Torticollis Treatments

Most of the time, when it comes to mild injuries, the torticollis conditions end in approximately one week, disappearing spontaneously. To speed up this process and ease the pain, there are some natural painkillers that are great, as is the case for some eras, including fennel, gorse and bay leaf. Due to its properties, the consumption of tea doses during the day can help to resolve cases.

Fennel tea

It has calming and antispasmodic properties that will help the muscle to relax, so the tea appears as one of the most used to treat stiff necks.


5g fennel
5g cinnamon stick
5g mustard seeds
1 liter of water

Preparation mode

Bring the water to a boil. As soon as it starts to boil, turn off the heat. Using another pan, add all the other ingredients and pour the still hot water on top, leaving it covered for about five minutes. When it cools, the tea is ready to drink. It is recommended to drink two cups of tea a day.

Carqueja tea

It has anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and tonic properties that reduce muscle contraction and prevent swelling.


20g of carqueja leaves
1 liter of water

Preparation mode

Put the water in a pan along with the carqueja leaves. Once it comes to a boil, wait another five minutes. Turn off the fire. Using a sieve, strain the tea to separate the leaves. Let it cool a little and you can consume it. It is recommended to drink four cups of tea a day.

bay tea

Its natural properties act directly on muscle relaxation.


4 bay leaves
1 cup of water

Preparation mode

Bring the water to a boil and then pour over the bay leaves, letting them steep for five minutes. Two cups of tea during the day is enough to relieve neck pain.