Vinagreira, whose scientific name is Hibiscus sabdariffa L, is widely used in herbal medicine thanks to its composition that includes carbohydrates, tannins, flavonoids, potassium and vitamin C. In addition, it has several acids, such as: citric, malic, oxalic, ascorbic , tartaric and hibiscus.

These active principles act in various disorders of our body, such as: lack of appetite, weak blood, urinary and skin infections, fever, digestion difficulties, spasms, hemorrhoids, varicose veins and high blood pressure problems.

Get to know this plant

Vinagreira is not always known by that name. Many people in different parts of Brazil call it: roselle, rosella, sour okra, redcurrant flower, guinea pigweed, sorrel, Jamaica rose, purple okra, guinea cress, hibiscus, pampola , guinea okra, student grease, gooseberry, poppy, hibiscus, pampulha, pink okra or sorrel.

Photo: depositphotos

Vinagreira originated in Africa and adapts very well to tropical and hot climates. Its tree can reach three meters in height, so it is also classified as a shrub. Its greatest visible feature is the color of its leaves, which are close to purple. If you put these leaves in your mouth, it will taste sour, due to the large amount it has.

Its flowers also vary between purple and purple. Its fruit has pointed and fine hairs and many seeds inside.

How to use vinaigrette tea

Both the leaves, flowers and roots can be used to make teas or extracts. To do this, it is necessary to leave them in the sun to allow them to dry out. The fruit can be used in cooking, in the preparation of jams, jellies, jams and even salads.

To make tea, you should use a teaspoon of vinaigrette for each cup you make. Bring the water to a boil and then add the amount of the plant. After three minutes, turn off the heat. Cover the container and allow the mixture to settle for about 10 minutes.

Indication and Precautions

The indication is that the tea is not taken more than twice a day, as it is very strong, especially the flavor. Some people have episodes of vomiting and even dysentery. People with kidney stones cannot consume tea or the extract of this plant.

Pregnant women, lactating women and fragile health cannot drink this tea either. It is recommended that before using any herbal drink, seek to consult a doctor who can authorize consumption.

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