Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension is a very common condition among people, affecting at least 25% of the Brazilian population
Through all this, one of the most advisable ways to use herbs in natural treatments is through medical consultation. This initiative helps to avoid a series of problems, in addition to protecting the patient from future complications. If you already take prescription drugs, this is another reason to worry about alternative medicine, because, although natural, it can also be harmful.
what is hypertension
Also known as high blood pressure, hypertension is a very common condition among people, affecting at least 25% of the Brazilian population. It is identified when the blood pressure marker is above 140/90 mmHg. There are many causes for high blood pressure. The most common of these is caused by the contraction of the vessels that promote blood circulation.
In addition to hereditary factors, daily habits, such as lack of care with food and not exercising regularly, can directly interfere with the development of the problem. These problems are usually related to the clogging of the blood vessels that supply the body. This is caused by their narrowing.
The heart, brain and kidneys are the most common areas attacked by high blood pressure. When hypertension reaches critical levels, it can trigger a heart attack in patients, which is related to the clogging of the heart vessels; stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), when it affects the brain vessels and changes in functioning or paralysis when it affects the kidneys.
Hypertension symptoms
Hypertension is a silent disease that can seriously damage patients’ health when not properly treated. Depending on the case, the onset of symptoms only happens when the case is more advanced or affects a vital organ. In identifying high blood pressure crises, the patient may experience: chest pain, dizziness, weakness, headache and shortness of breath.
In addition to all this, other conditions can give rise to the problem. Ringing in the ear, blood loss from the nose, blurred vision, agitation and vomiting.
Contraindicated teas for those with high blood pressure
Green tea
Named one of the most beneficial teas for human consumption, green tea, in cases of hypertension, is considered a real poison. According to a survey conducted by the University of Fukushima, Japan, drinking the drink can interfere with drug treatment. It reduces the amount of nadolol, a drug used by hypertensive individuals, in the bloodstream by 75%. As such, scientists believe that the chemicals in green tea prevent nadolol from being transported from the intestine into the bloodstream, where it works.
Widely used to treat digestive problems and also diuretics, carqueja cannot be used by people with high blood pressure, especially if they are undergoing treatment with medication. According to experts, the herb can trigger adverse reactions in the patient.
When used in excess, horsetail causes gastric irritation and also reduces the levels of vitamin B1 in the body. People who suffer from heart or kidney failure, have the symptoms of these diseases aggravated by drinking the tea. The same occurs among patients who have hypertension.