Home Plants Violet tea – Benefits and properties

Violet tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Known by many as a beautiful ornamental plant, the violet belongs to the Violaceae family . Also known as purple viola, scent violet and viola, the plant is herbaceous and does not have a stem, reaching only 20 cm in height. Shaped like a rosette, the plant has radial, oval, reniform or heart-shaped leaves with crenellated edges and dark green coloration. The whole plant is pubescent, and its flowers are solitary, fragile and have a very peculiar aroma. Its fruit is a rounded and pubescent capsule that has a violet color. Native to Europe and Western Asia, the plant is currently cultivated in many places around the world, in addition to being used in perfumery, cooking and homeopathic pharmacopoeia.

The flower petals, when picked, can be stored after drying. Put it in the shade and let it dry. Then store in black plastic bags so that it is protected from light.


Benefits and properties

That the plant is beautiful, we already know. But what are its health benefits? When used in the form of a natural medicine, the plant is effective as a bequica, sweating and slightly purgative. It can be used to treat cough, bronchial disorders, whooping cough, measles, sore throat, digestive disorders, depression, hysteria, physical and mental exhaustion, bloating, insomnia, in addition to acting as an excellent healing agent when used externally.

Among its active ingredients, we find volatile oils, saponins, alkaloids, among others. It is effective in relieving irritations and inflammations of the skin, tongue, chest and lungs, and can be applied as compresses or poultices to breast or skin cysts. To relieve headaches, it should be applied to the back of the neck in a cloth saturated with violet tea.

How to prepare tea?

To prepare the infusion, use 15 grams of flowers for every liter of water. In a container, bring the water to the fire and wait until it reaches a boil. When the water boils, turn off the heat and add the flowers, then capping to let the mixture settle. After a period of approximately ten minutes, strain and consume. Pay attention to the amount ingested: consume between two and three cups of violet tea a day.

Contraindications and precautions

When consumed in high doses, rhizomes and seeds can cause gastritis, nervousness and circulatory and respiratory depression. The leaves and flowers are edible, but care must be taken, as indiscriminate consumption can cause nausea.

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