Home Plants Clove vine tea – Benefits and properties

Clove vine tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

With the scientific name Tynnanthus fasciculatus , the carnation vine originates from Brazil, more specifically from the Atlantic Forest, but it also inhabits the forests of the states of Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro. The plant belongs to the Bignoniaceae familyand is popularly known as the trinity vine. The name of clove was given due to the aroma that is very similar to the clove of Judeia, present in this plant, which is a volatile vine, without tendrils and spontaneous. Its stem is cylindrical and has a reddish-brown color. Very grooved and aromatic, the stem has opposite leaves and the plant prefers dry, airy, shady soils that are rich in organic matter for growth. If you plan to plant, plant 2 m by 2 m, or plant it as a vine on trees. The roots can be harvested in autumn and the part used for medicinal purposes is the stem.

Benefits and properties

The plant can be used for medicinal purposes, as it has analgesic, anti-rheumatic, digestive, stimulant, fortifying and aphrodisiac properties. It is indicated for the treatment of impotence caused by genital weakness, gas, stomach problems and diarrhea. Among the active principles of the plant, we find alkaloids, essential oils, tinantin, eugenol, tannins and tannic acid.

Contraindications and side effects

Attention, always consume the indicated doses and always consult a doctor before consuming any medication, even natural ones. Pregnant women and patients who take continuous medication, as well as children, should not consume clove vine tea.

How to consume?

Consumption is done through tincture for aphrodisiac purposes. For this, take between 1 and 5 ml 3 times a day. The infusion made with the leaves can be used as an appetite or digestive stimulant and should be taken in one cup dose. The tea can also be consumed to soothe stomach problems and treat gastritis.

I’m preparing tea

The preparation of tea should be made with two tablespoons of the herb clove vine for each liter of water. In a container, put the water and bring to fire. Add the herb and bring to a boil. When that happens, time it ten minutes and then hang up. Cover the mixture and let it rest until it becomes warm, then strain and consume. The recommended dose of tea made with these proportions of herb and water is two to three cups a day.

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