Home Plants Polygal tea – Benefits and properties

Polygal tea – Benefits and properties

by Dianna Leon

Scientific name Polygala senega , the plant reaches about 20 or 30 centimeters in height, and is characterized by its thick root. Also known as polygala, the plant has very useful medicinal properties for respiratory problems.

medicinal uses

Tea acts as a respiratory decongestant and natural expectorant. Its properties are stimulation of peripheral circulation, action against asthmatic bronchitis, respiratory congestion, and other respiratory problems. It acts as a diaphoretic, silagogue, emetic and diuretic. The causes of nasal congestion can be nasal polyps, respiratory infections, sinusitis, alcohol, tobacco and flu. Its use is also interesting for the treatment of chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Despite its benefits when used internally, the plant can still be used to reduce skin inflammation and discomfort from insect bites when used externally.

During the fall, seasonal flu and colds are very common. This happens due to the passage of heat and cold resulting from changes in the seasons, which weaken the body’s defenses and generate a propensity for illnesses. The plant is very effective in treating these nasal congestions and seasonal flu as well.

How to make tea?

To prepare decongestant tea, place 300 ml of water in a container and heat. When it comes to a boil, add 9 g of plant root to the water, turn off the heat and cover. Leave it smothered for approximately eight minutes and consume it warm. The maximum recommended dose is four doses a day.

Contraindications and side effects

The plant, when used in high doses (more than four times a day), can cause vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems due to the presence of saponins. Consumption should be avoided in pregnant women, lactating women and people with gastritis and stomach problems.

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