Pregnancy, breastfeeding and babies’ first months of life are surrounded by myths, especially when it comes to proper nutrition during these periods. One of these many beliefs is regarding tea consumption, especially in children’s lives.

So, one of the most common questions among moms is: at what age can my child drink tea? The answer to this question depends on many factors such as the period of breastfeeding, the type of tea offered to the child and the amount of this drink.

However, despite the information provided in this article, it is ideal for the mother to seek clarification from the pediatrician accompanying the child. This is because, this is the most indicated specialist to define positive aspects in the baby’s feeding.

the first six months of life

As recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Ministry of Health, the first six months of a child’s life should be dedicated exclusively to breastfeeding. In other words, nothing should be offered to the baby during this period, not even water. Breastfeeding must be the only source of food for the little one.

“Breast milk is the best food for the baby, due to its nutritional, anti-infective, immunological components and its psychological and social benefits”, says Nurse Maria Fernanda Dornaus, Coordinator of the Neonatal Unit at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE).

It is through this exclusive diet that children can be protected from possible diarrhea and even pneumonia. But after the babies are six months old, other foods can be offered, including some teas. Despite this, it is important to remember that breastfeeding must continue until at least two years of age.

What teas can be offered to children?

Despite being open to other foods after the sixth month of life, children should have some restrictions regarding teas. Not all drinks made with natural herbs can be offered to little ones due to the active ingredients of each one. Others, however, can even be beneficial early in life.

Fennel, mint, lemon balm and chamomile are some of the herbs that are released to be used in the preparation of an infusion and offered to children. But, without the addition of sugar and always at night, not disturbing the main meals of the day.

Herbs that have caffeine, such as black tea or mate, should be avoided as they can cause irritability, lack of sleep and also compromise the absorption of iron and zinc in children’s bodies.

Attention, Mom!

While breastfeeding, moms need to be careful about tea consumption as well. In this case, the guidelines about which teas can and which are prohibited for children are repeated. Thus, the mother takes care of the baby’s health and quality of life.