Thanks to its components, many plants are used to prepare teas that can be used in alternative treatments against various diseases. Among these plants is the acanthus, the scientific name Acanthus mollis, also known as bear’s foot.

Acanthus properties

Belonging to the Acanthaceae family, acanthus originates from the Mediterranean region and is one of the oldest plants grown in gardens. It is believed that its beauty served as an inspiration for Corinthians art in the columns of Greco-Roman architecture.

This plant grows up to two meters tall in dry areas and is tolerant to drought and shade. Its dark green leaves reach up to one meter in length, and its flowers are tubular, have thorns, and are white, lilac and pink.

The properties of acanthus include its astringent, healing, analgesic, laxative, antidiarrheal, vulnerary, demulcent, detersive, expectorant, anti-inflammatory, aperient, emollient and choleretic action.

The Benefits of Acanthus Tea

Due to its properties, acanthus can be used to treat various diseases that affect women’s respiratory systems and intimate health. It is an effective natural remedy against bronchitis, colocystitis, cholelithiasis, contusions, hepatobiliary dysfunction, eczema, stomatitis, pharyngitis, colds and flu, wounds, herpes, burns, rectocolitis, and vulvovaginitis.

The benefits of acanthus are also possible thanks to the plant’s active principles, including mineral salts, organic acids, mucilages, resins, carbohydrates, tannins, and bitterness.

How to prepare acanthus tea?

The infusion with dried leaves or acanthus roots effectively treats respiratory problems, female intimate health, and stomach problems.

To prepare acanthus tea, follow the procedure below:

acanthus tea

Infuse one gram of the dried leaves or roots of this plant in a cup of boiling water. Let it boil for approximately 10 minutes, then allow it to cool, and drink the tea twice a day.

Other tips

If you want to take advantage of the plant’s benefits to heal wounds or any skin injury, use its leaves in the form of a poultice, compress, or washes. To do this, repeat the same procedure described above to prepare the tea, but instead of drinking, use the liquid to wash the affected region. In addition, the infusion leaves can also be used directly over the affected region, ensuring faster recovery.

There were no contraindications or side effects found in the literature on acanthus, but remember that all treatments, including natural ones, must be performed under medical supervision.